Success in building your brand as a personal trainer requires a strategic marketing plan. Without this plan, your services will never be known to the public, no matter how good they are. Fortunately, there are multiple digital marketing skills and platform that you can employ to help you build your brand. Personal trainers need to utilise digital marketing strategies to build their brand.

Update Your Social Media Accounts

Know the social media platforms that are worth working with. Ensure your social media accounts have up to-date and complete information. Updating your sites will enable you to quickly pull traffic on your side. It also helps to showcase your brand while eliminating any irrelevant content that may adversely affect your professional image.

Take Advantage of Social Media Posting Apps

You will find several apps that connect to your social media platforms like Buffer and Hootsuite. These apps will make it easy for you to cross-post on the different networks.

Come Up with Rich SEO Content

One of the best ways of showcasing your brand in the field of health and fitness is writing quality and valuable SEO content on all your media outlets. Readers will only go for valuable content. By optimising your content, your website will make it easier for search engines to identify your niche and will therefore be ranked higher in SERPs. Optimised content will also increase the traffic quality of your website.

Constantly Engage Your Potential Clients on Social Media


Whether you are planning to use Twitter, Instagram, Facebook or LinkedIn, it is important to always maintain a consistent communication with your audience. Engaging with your customers constantly on these social media platforms demonstrates your expertise in the health and fitness field. This will, in turn, make your followers identify your brand. Be sure to answer the questions they pose to you and keep them updated on your services.

Use Email Marketing

In the digital marketing field, your money lies in the email list. You ought to build your email list as it is an excellent client-acquisition tool. Building an email list is simple; create a free promotion, where visitors can opt-in to the email list, and receive a free product in exchange of their email address..

Apply PPC Marketing

Increase your success in marketing by employing pay-per-click (PPC) marketing skills. Here, you will pay for every click that visitors make on your website. This way, you will buy visits on your health and fitness website rather than earning them organically. One of the well-known PPC marketing forms that will be worth your attention is search engine advertisement.


The best workout gurus and influences are found in all the social media corners. With social media, you will not only build up a following but you will also influence your audience and make your brand stay relevant. You need to combine this flexible strategy to ensure that you hit high heights in the health and fitness world. If you are a personal trainer, building a brand on social media is a daunting task at first. Even though it takes time, it is a good investment that will help to nurture valuable connections and networks. Therefore, when the bills begin to increase, and you are yet to receive your first paying client, do not be discouraged.


This article was written by Patrick Hanley of APC Physio. Patrick has utilised digital marketing to build his personal training brand.

Categories: Health & Fitness